Over this summer it’s easy to tell that many places have received a startling amount of hot humid days; though not a big issue for your safes exterior that humidity can affect its contents. High humidity levels can lead to the formation of mold, rust, and other forms of moisture damage within the safe. To counter this risk, it's crucial to invest in the right dehumidifier for your safe while also keeping in mind the location it is placed as well. A high quality model is particularly suitable for gun safes as they can prevent rusting of firearms and other metal objects. While it might sound simple to just buy the first one you see, its best to know the differences between types of dehumidifiers, so you can make the best decisions for your situation.
The two main groups of Dehumidifiers are desiccant and convection heating. Convection units require an electric power source in order to function, while desiccant options do so without.

Moisture Absorbing - Desiccant dehumidifiers use moisture-absorbing materials like silica gel or calcium chloride to remove humidity from the air. The main benefit in this style is silent operation, lightweight, and few moving parts. They are suitable for smaller safes or ones located in areas without access to electricity. Some drawbacks are their limited moisture absorption capacity, and having to regularly check, recharge or replace the desiccant material.
Convection- One type is the rod dehumidifier which emits low levels of heat to raise the temperature inside the safe slightly. The second form would be an enclosed heat source that pulls in falling air and warms it much like a boot dryer. In both forms, by maintaining a warmer temperature they prevent condensation from occurring, effectively reducing humidity levels. Though these are great for larger volume safes, it also requires the need for an outlet as they require electric power to heat that air continuously.

Choosing the Right Dehumidifier for Your Safe To select the most suitable dehumidifier for your safe, consider the following factors:
-Location: If your ideal placement involves a spot that doesn’t have a power outlet close, this may push your decision toward a moisture absorbing option as a better option then having a long cord that could get unplugged. Another factor is ambient humidity levels both from the region to live in (example: desert or woodland) and location at your property (example: garage or main floor of a home.) -Safe Size: Larger volume safes will generally require dehumidifiers with higher moisture absorption capacity. Typically, a convection unit will be able to keep a larger volume safe dry, but you can still use a desiccant model though you may need several to keep moisture low. -Maintenance: Desiccant materials in moisture absorbing units require either changing out or drying outside of the safe to be used again. Convection dehumidifiers don’t need any added upkeep other than keeping items away from the unit to avoid accidental damage, and power to be properly applied via outlet. Investing in a dehumidifier for your safe is a wise decision to protect your valuable belongings from the damaging effects of excess humidity. Each type of dehumidifier has its own scenarios where it excels, so be sure to select the one that best suits your safe size, location, and specific needs. By maintaining the ideal humidity levels, you can ensure that your safe provides the best protection for your valuables for years to come.